Web Groupware
We provide web system development, management, maintenance and other related service based on Notes/Domino, Exchange server and other groupware.
Web System development
We fulfill all rages of our client’s requirement from low-cost, high performing web system to large scale and highly reliable web system.
Knowledge Management Consulting
We propose system that enable out clients to share knowledge within their company by thoroughly analyzing their work requirements. Even after the installation of our knowledge management system, we propose, in diverse angles, schemes and howtos on its usage, regulation, in-house system deployment, etc.
IT strategy Consulting
We provide various IT consulting service, such as marketing research, IT investment plans, etc. based on job analysis from our clients’ viewpoint.
eCommerce Consulting
We provide support for their development of appealing web pages, increased traffic through SEO, maintenance of website management systems, etc. for our clients engaged in eCommerce.
Package Development
We develop and sell in-house software packages, provide installation support and customization towards our clients’ needs.
Web content planning and production
We plan and produce appealing web contents by thoroughly investigating the market based on our clients’ job analysis. We also propose various planning and production of contents, which coordinated with systems, such as corporate web pages, web magazines, touch panel compatible multimedia systems, application user interfaces, game development, etc.